Friday, April 18, 2008


I had to post some more pictures.. as soon as Noah and Dave went outside, Olivia stood and screamed at the door. I thought as soon as I got her all bundled up, she would be ready to go back inside, but she was all for the snow! She wasn't quite sure she wanted to touch it. Since it is supposed to be spring, I had already put away most of their winter clothes, and had to scramble for some warm clothes!

Noah named his snowman "Livvy the snowman"

We even got some sledding in!!!


Sara said...

I love those pictures! How cute!!!! I love the last one with Livvy in her rain jacket! I am so lucky that you passed down 'winter stuff' already.

We miss you gyus and can't wait to hang out soon. Kena, again, we think is teething...what a hot mess!

Jesse, Shari , Hank, and Duke said...

I can't believe the weather up there! that is so crazy...good job keeping those guys all bundled up. haha! see you guys soon! we can't wait!